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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Matt 2:19-20 *But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,*

*Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Unprivileged accidents of birth should not be the determinants of your prospects.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

Accidents of birth may be described as circumstances surrounding one's birth.

Two things determine the accident of birth.

First is the circumstance, country, or place or birth.

Second is parents.

In both cases, privilege is key.

Some are born in highly privileged countries. Some are not.

Some are born of wealthy, average, or poor parents.

No child born has control or choice of parenthood or country or place of birth.

We are all products of accident of birth.

You were not born in any part of the world by choice but by accident of birth

This goes to explain that if you were born into money, it is a mere accident of birth, not by choice

Not everyone is privileged at birth or growing up if he/she was born in an underprivileged environment.

While some are more privileged with better startups, education, and access to life's best, some are deprived or could not or have access to it.

While our parents delight at our birth, the race to sustain it begins immediately.

The beginning of any life begins from fertilization.

Job says Job 10:10-11 *Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?*

*Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews.*

Born disadvantaged is always not a good one. Given a choice, nobody will desire it.

In the world we live in today, this is often made worse when you are judged by your underprivileged or the badly battered image of your place of birth.

We must, however, know that while some citizens of privileged countries often behave badly, there are citizens of underprivileged or countries of bad resumes who are well-behaved and law abiding.

It therefore goes that nobody should be judged by the status of his country or place of birth, whether good or bad, but by integrity of the individual citizen.

The conditions surrounding the birth of a person may often shape his prospects.

Let us look at a few examples.

Jesus was born underprivileged.

Born in a manger, not in a palace, Lk 2:7 where shepherd kept their flocks.

By accident of birth, He was born during the reign of wicked King Herod, Matt 2:1-21.

When He was presented to the temple, a pair of turtle dove was brought. His parents could not afford a lamb, ref Lev 12:8.

David must have had a very rough beginning in life. He appeared before Samuel rough but with a beautiful countenance, 1 Sam 16:12. It may be he was coming home like this every day. He had rough times as a shepherd boy often with wildlife, 1 Sam 17:37.

The circumstances surrounding the birth of Jacob and Esau shaped the direction of their destinies. Jacob exhibited the trait he came out as a heel grabber in his life until God renewed him, Gen 25:26, 29-34; 32:28.

Jabez was born in a circumstance that brought about a cursed name, 1 Chron 4:9.

Jesus's showed us that an accident of birth should not be a determinant of who you will be in life. He fulfilled the plan of God first mankind.

The life of Jabez in 1 Chro 4 tells us that circumstances surrounding the birth of a child could impact his life negatively when adequate precautions are not taken to correct them.

His prayers to God tell us that we can actually change our disadvantaged or underprivileged beginnings, 1 Chro 4:9-10.

In today's world, children born underprivileged have ascended the ladder of success to become creams of industries and society.

The story of the prodigal son (Lk 15: 11-32, serves as a good example of some children who were born privileged but misused and abused their privileges.

Are you counting the cost of your accidental birth, or are you determined to hold your future in your hands to make it good?

You were born to be great regardless of the circumstances that surrounded your birth.

Do you believe you were born great?

Call on God!

Remorse corner.

The conditions surrounding the birth of a person may often affect his prospects but should not determine them.

*Call to Word action.*

Were you deprived of wise learning as a child? Starting as a fool should not stand in your way to wise prospects.

Prov 13:20 *He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.*

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Though as a child born unprivileged, your beginning may be adversely affected, but be determined that it will not determine who you will be in the future.


Lord, regardless of the circumstances that surrounded or shrouded my birth, l was born to be great, and l shall be great in Jesus name.

Good morning, all, and be blessed as you go today.

God bless you.

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