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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo




*Scripture Treasure.*

Isaiah 38:5  *Go, and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years.*

*Insight and Highlight.*

Christ has power over death.

*Scripture Commentaries.*

God's word to Satan in Job 1:12 that power was in his hand, but he should not put forth his hand on Job tells us two things.

First, all Satan could do to anyone is subject to God's permission.

Second, Satan could take people's lives away from them. In other words, he can kill people, John 10:10a. He is the power behind senseless killings, genocide, massacres, etc. He has the power of death. Paul says that Christ, through His death, destroyed Satan, who had the power of death, Heb 2:14.

He is the power behind untimely death. Solomon tells us that people can die before their time, Eccl 7:17.

God can not allow you to die before your time, ref 2 Pet 3:9.

While Satan takes people away before their time because he does not want them to fulfill God's purpose for their lives, God takes the righteous away in order to save him from the evil to come, Isaiah 57:1, so that they do not end up in hell.

We must be careful that we are not the reason behind our early exits in life.

Why would God take away the righteous in order to avoid the day of evil when God could just remove the evil?

We can look at this in three ways.

Rather than have a righteous man suffer a gruesome or inglorious death, God could take him away before that evil time.

Second, if God's word to the righteous to warn him of the evil to come but he ignores it, God may rather take him away than see him fall or see shame.

Third, there are wounded soldiers of Christ in the battle front that God considers that it is in the best interest of the Kingdom to take them home. You can not resist the grace that could help you fight and win the battle against Satan.

If a righteous man lets off his guards or does not flee from the appearance of evil, God may take him away because He considers him too weak and careless about keeping his righteousness for long.

Peter warns us in 2 Pet 3:17 *Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.*

We must reflect back to all that had happened to us in 2024 and show God we appreciate righteous living and the life He gives us.

In Isaiah 38, God told Isaiah to tell Hezekiah he would die.

Hezekiah told God why he should not die. His appeal to God consisted of how useful his life had been and how his life would still be useful to God.

God saw how Hezekiah appreciated the life He gave him. In response, He gave him fifteen more years.

How appreciative are you?

Are there more complaints than appreciation?

Are your petitions and supplication mostly on your losses, pains, disappointments, etc?

If only you knew what might have happened to you but for God!

Do not be foolish enough for Satan to take away your life earlier than God plans for you, ref Eccl 7:17.

Likewise, do not show God you do not appreciate the life He has given you by living carelessly.

Be like Hezekiah whom God saw that he valued his life, and God counted Him worthy of an extra fifteen years!

Please Him with the life He presently gives you.

He has the power to give you more!

He gives life more abundantly!

*Remorse corner.*

Will you thank God with me?

I thank and appreciate Jesus, the Life-Giving Spirit!

*Call to Word action.*

Let us not forget His goodness. Let your appreciation come from a sincere heart.

When you are bitter, you can not be better with God. Do not honour Satan.

Honor Jesus!

Philpns 4:6 *Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.*

*The Christian clarion duty.*

Count your blessings, not your disappointments!


Today, l look back to 2024, and l count my blessings. I thank You, Lord. Give me the best before 2024 goes out, in Jesus name.

Good morning all, and have a blessed day today.

God bless you.

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