Introduction Procrastination is one of many enemies of the believers. It is an enemy of time, progress, efficiency and what have you. We are all prone to it and it must be resisted as many times as it presents itself. May we be blessed as we study in Jesus name. WHAT IS PROCRASTINATION? Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing something. To put off intentionally and habitually. To put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. DANGERS OF PROCRASTINATION 1. Procrastination is a thief of time. Someone who continually puts things off ultimately achieves little. Jesus warns against procrastination in John 9:4. Doing the right thing as at when required is considered good. Not doing what is required at the right time is sin, Jam 4:17. 2. People who procrastinate steal time from themselves. Procastination keeps you in a "holding state". They keep themselves in a holding state thinking about what they ought to be doing when they are not doing anything. They are hostages of what they ought to have done or ought to be doing. We can infer this from Paul's word in Rom 7:15 3. Procrastination gives you a false sense that there is still a lot of time to do what is needful today. It deceives to believe everyday will be the same. There is uncertainty of life. No one has control over life's eventualities, James 4:13-15 Proverbs 27:1, Eccl 9:10 4). Procrastination is fatal in our spiritual service to God. Never delay in glorifying God, Jer 13:16, Ps 119:60. 5). Procrastinating does not make someone to see the plan of God for His life. 1 Cor 6:2. Do not postpone knowing God, Eccl 12:1 6) Procrastination gives you an excuse why things should not be done. It can breed laziness, if unchecked, Prov 20:4, Prov 26:13, Prov 10:4, Prov 12:24 OVERCOMING PROCRASTINATION 1) Seek God's help to manage and plan your time well: Have a plan. Prov 16:9. Many at times, we set out to work but life's uncertainties may neccesitate unexpected procrastinations. At times we procrastinate not knowing why we do so. Only through Christ can we understand our own ways, Prov 20:24, Prov 16:9 2). Dedicate and commit your self to accomplishing a task: The determination to overcoming procrastination is a heart. Matt 6:21. Remember, the key to getting all you want done is, discipline. If the task is a treasure in your heart, you will set your heart to it and it shall be accomplished. Conclusion Procrastination steals time, kills time and makes urgency of time irrelevant. If you manage time effectively, you will overcome procrastination. May God help us to do the needful as required of us, in Jesus name.
