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Writer's pictureIsrael Ekundayo


Acts 2:41 ► Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Insight and Highlight God is a consuming fire and He has not stopped burning. Scripture Commentaries The Holy Ghost fire on Peter transformed a fisherman to a fisher of men converting 3,000 souls in one day. The Holy Ghost fire transformed ordinary people to do extraordinary things. People with principal failings in their lives recorded Kingdom success through the impartation of the Spirit. The early church was founded on fire, it is therefore imperative that for the church to be what it was founded to be, we all must prepare ourselves for the fire and receive it, through the Holy Ghost. We cannot do exploits on our own strength, it is the Spirit that enables. Kingdom assignments require Spirit's power. Salvation, transformation, healing, restoration etc are all products of the fire. State of the art equipment and ideas may increase the Church, but only the Spirit's power through Christ grows the people in the Word. Remorse corner Ask God to set you on fire. It transforms the people from the inside out to purge and purify them unto Holy living. Call to Word action When you are on fire for God, all you see is God working out a purpose through what you are going through. The Christian clarion duty When you carry the fire of God, you will fix your eyes on Christ. Such people see nothing else but Christ. They have "died" to sin, grudges, offenses etc.. and "dead men do not talk", ref Eccl 9:5 ► ...but the dead know not any thing, ..." Prayer Lord give me the desire to let my heart come alive with the desires of God. Let me be so overwhelmed by the passion and love for God, in Jesus name. Good morning all and have a blessed day. God bless you.

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