Psalm 121:4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
Insight and Highlight
Psalm 127:1 Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
Scripture Commentaries
Human vigilance, high-tech surveillance, and watches are of no use unless accompanied by Divine watching.
Technology fails so does human strength which falls into fatigue.
1 Sam 2:9 "....for by strength shall no man prevail.
Sleep takes a lot of things from us and knows no bounds. A king almost lost his life when he slept, in spite of his vast armor-bearers and weapons of war, 1 Sam 26:7.
Job says God still speaks when deep sleep falls on the children of men as they slumber upon their beds, Job 33:14-15, Job 4: 12-17.
People lose sleep for the need of worldly pleasure, gains, and enjoyments Eccl 8:16. People even lose sleep to grief, Eccl 2:3, they lose sleep to an abundance of riches, Eccl 5:12.
The psalmist warns saying it is not worth losing sleep by waking up early or sitting up late in pursuit of survival.
It further says losing sleep because of grief is vain, Psalm 127:2.
As much as God wants good sleep for us, Psalm 127:2, He gave sleep to kings to dream and took sleep away from kings to fulfill Divine purposes, Gen 41:1
God cannot sleep because He wants to keep us alive.
What a great God we serve!
Remorse corner
Having questions whether God still keeps you? He that " keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep...", Psalm 121:4.
God is never tired or weary. He is "...a very present help...."
Psalm 46:1.
Call to Word action
God does not sleep but gods of this world sleep, their idols have graven eyes and ears that neither see nor hear, ref 1 Kgs 18:27, Ps 115:4-8.
The Christian clarion duty
Today marks the end of 2021.
Ever-Awake has kept you alive for 365 days in spite of enemy attacks in your sleep.
Psalm 34:15-19 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous,..."
Thank you, LORD, for keeping Your eyes on me, my family, and the Church family to see the end of 2021. Thank You, Lord Jesus.
Good morning all and have a blessed day today.
God bless you.