Matthew 4:19 And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.
Insight and Highlight
Until you discover who you are in Christ, you will never discover what you are created to be.
Scripture Commentaries
We must discover who we are or else we may never know what we are created to be.
Peter was a fisherman and on the day Jesus called him, Christ told him he will no longer be a fisherman but "....fishers of men".
However, Peter failed to discover his new identity, so he ran back to fishing.
So Christ was furiously inquisitive about Peter so He asked him three times "...Lovest thou me?...." John 21.
For us to discover ourselves, the plans, and the purpose of God, we must read Christ's Handwriting through word written spoken or inner witness.
It is difficult to know through our strengths. Only through the Spirit can we receive a conviction. Besides His word, God has made the universe a university of learning, through people, circumstances etc.
Are you learning to discover yourself?
Remorse corner
Until Peter discovered himself in the Lord he remained outside God's purpose in life. The day he discovered himself he became what God created him to be.
Call to Word action
You cannot discover others or even what God is doing if you have not discovered yourself. You may think you do but you do not.
Peter, along with the disciples, did not even know it was Jesus talking to them, John 21:4 says "...but the disciples knew not that it was Jesus.
The Christian clarion duty
Peter became known after Pentecost because the Holy Spirit he received helped him to discover himself and what God created him to be, Acts 2: 14
The moment Samuel discovered himself in the Lord, he "...grew, and the LORD was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground", 1 Sam 3:20.
Lord let me grow daily to discover myself in You, in Jesus name.
Good morning all and be blessed as you come into His presence, today.
God bless you.